Chat Moderator

Become a Chat Moderator

We need your help!
Are you a caring person that likes helping others? Do you hate it when spam and harassing posts drive people away from your favorite chat? The community at Pinoyzone-Addicx is largely a volunteer effort. That’s why we need your help.

What does a chat moderator do?

How do I signup to become a moderator?

Once you have familiarized yourself with our Community and have read the guidelines, you have all the knowledge you need to request to become a moderator. To apply, fill out the moderator form, and tall tell us you are interested in moderating and why (what qualities or experience you may have). If there are openings and you are approved, the cbox administrator will interview you and give you the rules and if you agree, you are asked to write a resume about yourself and/fill an online form so you can introduce yourself to the other members.

How does a moderator get selected?

The moderators are selected in 2 ways:

  1. You show interest.
  2. Honor System: Once in a while we find users of exceptional quality, and ask them to help out. We will selectively review and recommend such members for moderation.

How does one get disqualified?

Reasons a candidate may be disqualified include but are not limited to:

How does one become a moderator?

To become a moderator you should :

Have been using the chat for at least 2 months/or have an excellent reputation with the users.

Be present in the chat for a reasonable period of time at least on a daily basis

Understand and practice the chat rules.

Understand and practice the moderator rules.

How long does one stay a moderator for?

We usually like to use your help as much as possible, but sometimes circumstances arise where we have to make decisions which may reflect the post.

These circumstances consist of but not limited to the following:

For a complete list please read the administrator rules and regulations.

Thank you!
Your efforts will not go unnoticed. You will be doing others (and yourself) a great deal of good and will have the undying gratitude of our overworked founder, editor and community administrator too! You will be helping us build one of the best and most active community.